What People Are Saying

“This is undoubtedly the best online course that I have seen for understanding the practical requirements for record keeping in dental practice in Australia.”

— Dr Rob Smith

“This thorough and easily-navigated course fills a long realised gap in CPD in an area that is often overlooked but essential to the safe, compliant and complete practice of dentistry. In my opinion it should be compulsory for all practitioners of dentistry.”

— Dr Denise Savestro

“The dental record provides for the continuity of care for the patient and is critical in the event of a malpractice claim.”

— Dr BK Charangowda


Dental Records and Consent

This course contains two modules. The first module will orientate participants to the relevant Codes and Legislation that determine the necessary management of dental records. The second module will explore the components of the dental record and will assist in applying the relevant regulatory expectations in practice.

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Continuing professional development

Continuing Professional Development is a regulatory requirement for all dental practitioners to gain registration with the Dental Board of Australia on an ongoing basis. This short course provides an overview of key principles to ensure that CPD compliance expectations are being met.

Partners using Dental Compliance Australia Courses

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